Sleepy Rant…

Well it’s been quite some time since I really felt the urge to contribute more to this site…. Over the last couple of months I must say I’ve really come to terms with a lot of things while reflecting on the past year.

I made it… I survived… I lived… I cried silently in the dark more than anyone will ever know… I laughed at moments when all of my funny bones were seemingly broken… God really wanted me to grow in many ways this year because he carried me through the kind of things you can’t choose to walk through…

I met some wonderful people, some shady people, some here today gone tomorrow people… I even met some people who just genuinely really excited me but then I also met some people who left me struggling to hide my dissapointment.

I wrote a lot…some of it people found inspiring…most of it I could never share. Everything I do can’t be for others. A lot of my writings, thoughts, prayers, etc will only come to light when my work here on earth is done and all of my personal belongings are sorted through.

I’m really rambling because my eyes are heavy, my body is weary, but yet still I press forward to do something…anything…everything…that I can while I can…

…. …. …. …. ….. …. Good night all and thank you Jesus for giving another day.