Well the week is coming to an end and it had some interesting moments. Monday evening started off with a bang when I received a call from a young lady that I met this past summer in Detroit. When I answered the call and said hello she basically proceeded to slam me and tell me that my existence as a friend to her was no longer needed and have a good life. I was like “wow” – you got me with this one… Her beef with me was that I wasn’t any kind of friend because I normally would only call to speak with her every couple of weeks or so. She said I was all about my career and only cared about myself, that I had no heart, etc…
Despite making it very clear to her that a friendship was all that we would have when we first met, avoiding any kind of intamcy-related interaction with her, and reinterating my feelings, here I am getting slammed as if I had a girlfriend, had one-night-standed her and told her to buzz off.
She’s a nice young lady and her family is nice but…. Anyway, I’m probably only posting this because it points out the fact that no matter who you are, you will be hard-pressed to make a fan out of everybody, despite your best intentions.
Moving on to Tues-Weds things were for the most part all about work except for a quite lengthy conversation I shared with two women about why there are so many single, independent, talented, beautiful Black Women struggling to find themselves an acceptable mate. We also talked about why men cheat or have other women that they sleep with outside of their monogomous relationships.
I was determined to get my expense reports up-to-date and turned in before Thanksgiving because it just made no sense to have almost $2000 outstanding being owed to me by Dynetics and I couldn’t get simply because I hadn’t done my part yet…
Thanksgiving was nice in Chicago and I did eat good which was nice for a change 🙂 I did the blessing this year which was cool as I don’t often do it at big dinners. I also layed the smack-hand down on the pool table serving up plenty of L’s to all competitors – lol. Matter of fact, poor Roby is about 0-6 at this point – hopefully he won’t have to play me anymore.
This weekend should be laid back – I’ll make my back to Detroit today as I must perform some work this weekend so this won’t be an extended trip on the road.