It’s been a while since I’ve really sat down and put some quality time into my blog. I want to take a moment to simply thank all of you who I’ve come to know who visit this site and take time to share your thoughts and care about what’s up with me. I appreciate you and love you for it.
For the last 3 months or so now I’ve been living all over the Detroit metro area while waiting for my new place to be completed 3 months behind schedule. It’s been quite a challenge not having a place of my own and having to depend on others in a way I’ve never particularly wanted to do. The people who have so graciously let me stay with them temporarily have been a blessing and I’m thankful for their hospitality. The past 6 months or so have really led me to a point of feeling the need to revitalize several aspects of my life. In a nutshell, I’ve been burned out on work, love, and my tireless pursuit to be the best I can be. The relationships I had in the past, the expectations of the future, and other things had simply become heavy weights around my ankles that only somewhat now am I beginning to unsheath. It sounds worse that what it may actually have been, because nevertheless I love my life and love living it. It’s just been a challenging time lately while I grow, mature, and become a better man.
I’m focused now on being the Sam that I enjoy being and shedding things that bring me down. I’m educating myself again. I’m refocusing my business efforts. I’m forming new relationships and taking new risks that will lead me to bigger and better things. It’s all a work in progress but just know that things are changing for me now in a more positive manner and I’m working harder to keep things that way even more than they’ve been in the past.
Stay tuned for what’s in store 😉
It’s all good Sam. Just remember, the best changes in life, do take a little bit of time. Great things don’t come without earning them and honestly, if you’re really going to go for it, have some fun along the way, it keeps it fresh and exciting.
I’ve come to know you as a stand up guy, so it’s interesting to see some one doing some of the same things I’ve come to see my self do in heated and even difficult times. It’s good to have perspective Sam. It’s great to have a sounding board to bounce your thoughts off, but most importantly, true friends are never far away from you.
Go for it Sam!
update this mutha!